portability and affordability. When placed around a vocalist, instrumentalist, voice talent or control room mix position they form an Eclipse Acoustical Environment??, yielding superior broad-bandwidth control of reflected sound waves in the near field and low frequency waves in the room in general. Sunburst-360s are so linear in their absorption that they exhibit a deviation of only ±1.9 Sabins (that's hardly any!) across the entire test frequency spectrum from 100Hz to 5000Hz.
This is the linear absorber the acoustics marketplace has been searching for all these years. With an Eclipse Acoustical Environment, you can quickly, easily and affordably achieve world-class sound control in ANY environment.
Size: Males are 12" x 15.5" x 4' Qty: 2 males, 4 females, and 2 MAX-Stands with 18" extensions, allowing height of 4'6" to 9' Coverage: 24 linear ft.