Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
The Befaco Rampage is a Eurorack ramp generator in the classic Serge/Buchla vein. This is a dual unit with many applications.
Gitarrenteile von ABM erfreuen sich aufgrund des Einsatzes hochwertiger Materialen und sorgsamer Verarbeitungsprozesse seit Un...
внутриканальные наушники, цвет чёрный, драйвер Dual Dynamic Driver, в комплекте насадки SpinFit, адаптер 1/4`, инструмент для ухода за наушниками, ...
тарелка типа Ride
Sound: active, fast chicksound
sound: full bodied sound and strong projection yet light in weight results in a very controllable hand pair suitable for appli...
Zildjian ZHT HiHat 14",Rock, Bottom, Traditional Finish
Please note: bottom cymbal only! Features: Size: 14" Alloy: B12 Bronze Machine hammered (hand controlled) Traditional Finish ...
Exclusive to the ZHT Series, 8" ZHT China Splashes feature a quick voice and lots of "give." The square shape of a China cup a...
Alternative available:Zildjian S-Series China 16"
фетровая прокладка для тарелок (пара)
чехол для тарелок