With great dedication and passion for making cymbals as well as individual and independent production lines, the Turkish manuf...
Features: Cable: CGK 175 Connectors: 6,3 mm Jack plug Neutrik, straight - 6,3 mm Silent jack plug Neutrik, straight Colour: Bl...
Focusrite's RedNet X2P is a compact and robust 2x2 Dante audio interface with two Red Evolution microphone preamps, ster...
The Crumar Mojo61 Digital Drawbar Organ/Electric Piano is a high performance compact digital organ/electric piano fe...
AKG K872
Eine faltbare Reisegitarre, wie sie die Welt noch nicht gesehen! Roadtaugliches Design, passt in jedes Handgep?ck! Der renomm...
Features: Artist Signature Serie Flamed Maple Boden & Zargen Fichtendecke 3-teiliger Artstar Mahgoni-/ Ahorn- Hals, eingeleim...
Allgemeine ?bersicht:John Scofield hat den modernen Jazz ma?g...
This package consists of the Franz Lambert editions 1 and 2. You get both packages and the Open Art Arranger for a sensational...
Die Querfl?te ist mit dem Quantz Kopfst?ck aus Sterlingsilber ausgestattet. Der tragende,...
Mixing can be tedious with a keyboard and mouse alone. Or lacking in tactile feedback with just a touchscreen. With the combina...
The MC-3+ Smart Clock USB is setting a new benchmark for clocking technology and the reproduction of digital audio by un...
The Radial OX8 is a high-performance 8-channel 3-way mic splitter that is equipped with an input and three outputs: a direct f...
The Dangerous Source provides the critical link between your ears and the music. Plug in two pairs of headphones and get inspi...