Gitarrenschule mit CD f?r Anf?nger Neben klassischer Gitarrenmusik sind auch St?cke aus dem popul?ren Bereich wie Folk- und B...
Nachdem die Grundtechniken in Band 1 gelernt wurden, bietet der Aufbaulehrgang 25 St?cke und 11 ?bungen an, mit deren Hilfe d...
?ber 100 Lieder und Spielst?cke enth?lt die erfolgreiche Schule f?r junge Gitarristen, di...
Vorbei sind die Zeiten monatelanger Vor?bungen auf einer Saite. Niemand mu? l?nger drei Akkorde schrummeln, die nur klingen, ...
Schott Music Play Guitar with Milos 2
Since its launch more than two decades ago, the Vintage Guitar Magazine Price Guide has been the world's leading reference w...
Improvisation for Blues Guitar is a textbook for guitarists with the aim of making Blues improvisations sound more authentic...
The most beautiful Christmas melodies for 1-3 guitars by Rolf Tonnes are an ideal addition to the guitar school Gitarre spie...
The special issue guitar Special: 60 years of VOX is all about one of the most legendary amplifier brands. In addition to th...
The second edition of the Gibson Les Paul Manual by Paul Balmer contains a "How to" guide and case studies, extended by the ...
Acoustic Music Books Mein erstes Gitarrenbuch
Acoustic Music Books Guitar on the Rocks
This book focuses on learning how to read (and play) rhythmic notation, an often overlooked part of learning how to read music ...
Since its introduction over two decades ago, The Official Vintage Guitar Magazine Price Guide has been the essential handbook f...
The Martin Archives is a unique inside look into C.F. Martin & Co.'s reign as America's oldest and most revered guitarmaker ISB...
Hal Leonard How to Fingerpick Songs On Guitar