Die f?nf Jazzmusiker Bernd Kiltz (Gitarre), J?rgen Seefelder (Sax), Volker Engelberth (Piano), Thomas Stabenow (Bass) und Flor...
Alfred Music The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses
Alfred Music Hans Zimmer Collection
By Koji Kondo, Kozue Ishikawa, Toru Minegishi, Kenta Nagata, Akito Nakatsuka, Asuka Ohta, Manaka Tominaga, and Hajime Wakai Af...
34 Super Mario Themes Arranged for Easy Piano by Koji Kondo, Shiho Fujii, Asuka Ohta, Soyo Oka, Kenta Nagata, Hirokazu Tanaka,...
Alfred Music Singer/Songwriter – Das Songbook Band 2
Songlist:Die fabelhafte Welt der Am?lieFluch der KaribikTitanicChocolatDonnie DarkoDer rosarote PantherDas BootGhostbustersDer...
Songlist:Aboda VillageAdventuringAnjean's ThemeByrne's ThemeChancellor Cole's ThemeFanfare of the Spirit TracksFightingGame Ov...
Songlist:Airship ThemeCastle Boss BattleCastle ThemeDesert ThemeEnding DemoEnemy CourseGame OverGround ThemeInvincible ThemeKo...
24 popul?re Singer/Songwriter-Songs mit Leadsheets in Originaltonarten sowie Guitarsheets, detailliert aufbereitet mit Chords ...
Songlist:20th Century Fox FanfareStar Wars Main TitleDuel of the FatesAnakin‘s ThemeAcross the Stars (Love Theme)Battle of the ...
Realtime Jazz Standards, das sind acht bekannte Jazz Standards – live und in „realtime“, in absoluter Studioqualit?t eingespie...