Einer der wohl beliebtesten Summierer in neuem Gewand. Der neue 2-BUS+ ist ein analoger 16-Kanal Summierer in 2HE, mit sowoh...
The 2-BUS LT is a 16x2 summing amplifier designed to help users of digital audio workstations (DAW's) better mix performance t...
Dangerous Music A.S.S. Rack w / PSU
Inspired by the Classic P. J. Baxandall Shelving Curves Built in response to demand from a professional studio community searc...
The Dangerous Music Bax EQ is a professional stand-alone Baxendall equaliser with a frequency response at ±0....
Mit dem COMPRESSOR stellt Dangerous Music einen extrem transparenten und einfach zu bedienenen Kompressor f?r Buss- und Master...
The new Dangerous Music CONVERT-2 is an audiophile Reference Grade Stereo D/A Converter. It's the logical improvement of the n...
The new Dangerous Music CONVERT-8 is an 8-channel Audiophile Reference Grade D/A Converter. It's an 8-channel version of the a...
The Dangerous Music Convert-AD+ is a reference class A/D converter for converting analog stereo signals...Features of th...