This is the original wah-wah pedal used to create the vintage sounds of rock and roll. Used by cracks such as Jimi Hendrix, Er...
Features: 462P.73 Colour: yellow Gauge: 0.73 mm 72-Pack
On one hand, the Cry Baby 95Q is Dunlop's tribute to the first wah pedal ever made. On the other hand, the pedal provides many...
36 picks Features DUNLOP Ultex Hetfield Riffle Picks 0,73: Ultex Hetfield Player Blackfang Signature 36 picks 0,73 mm Black
6 picks Features DUNLOP Ultex Hetfield Player`s Picks 1,14: Ultex Hetfield Player Blackfang Signature 6 picks 1,14 mm Black
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6 picks in a tin box Features DUNLOP Ultex Hetfield Tin Picks 1,14: Ultex Hetfield Player Blackfang Signature 6 picks In a ti...
6 picks in a tin box Features DUNLOP Ultex Hetfield Tin Picks 0,94: Ultex Hetfield Player Blackfang Signature 6 picks In a ti...
6 picks in a tin box Features DUNLOP Ultex Hetfield Tin Picks 0,73: Ultex Hetfield Player Blackfang Signature 6 picks In a ti...
36 picks Features DUNLOP Ultex Hetfield Riffle Picks 1,14: Ultex Hetfield Player Blackfang Signature 36 picks 1,14 mm Black
Features: Ultex Medium
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