if you've ever owned a GREAT amp, like a Marshall 18 watt, a VOX AC15, a Marshall JTM45 and if you have a place where you can...
If you havent heard this sound yet, you dont know what you?re missing. The heart of a vintage freak will start beating much fa...
Als Fulltone Gr?nder Michael Fuller in den fr?hen 80ern als Gitarrenlehrer und Fachmann in Musikl?den t?tig war, wurde ihm ein...
Features: Fulltone Custom Shop limited production of 3200 units classic 80ies tri-chorus reproduction switches: level, effects...
The"CLYDE Deluxe" is the newest version of a Fulltone standard. The Deluxe version of the CLYDE wah has all the features that ...
The "Clyde" was born from taking the best of the best of Michael Fullers more than 25 pc. vintage Vox wah collection, analy...
Features Fulltone FB-3: 11-position gain control Additional stage of FET Cures v1's huge bass increase and dull high-end issue...
Features: anschlagsdynamischer, nat?rlich- klingender Overdrive aktives Mittenband mit bis zu 12 dB Verst?rkung H?hen und B?s...
PlimSoul has those Softer Bluesey, Compressed capabilities but also has a Second Stage that you can roll in with the turn of a...
Features: original NOS JRC4558D chip 90ies voicing with thick mids and a lot fo color "order" switch operation with 9v battery...
Octafuzz... the only exact circuit copy of the legendary Tycobrahe Octavia. Cool Octave-Up sounds ala Hendrix "Band of Gypsies...
This god-blessed Overdrive pedal brings to perfection what the legendary TS 808 once started. Totally natural overdrive/distor...