Features: two end panel carry straps, long middle strap heavy-duty zippers fold up side panels so it holds open when you inser...
Features: 3 Rods Length: 30 cm for 6 percussion instruments cast multi clamp
Features: Without legs Direct Pull System
Features: to join 2 rack bars in a 90° angle
Mit den BassDrum Brackets von Gibraltar l?sst sich jede ungebohrte Bass Drum m?helos mit Tomhaltern nachr?sten. Die Brackets s...
Features: Raises small bass drums 2" off the ground Fits 18" and 20" bass drums
Features: Clamp for mounting the T-leg Chrome Finish Grippy wing nuts...
The Gibraltar Microphone Rack Clamp SC-GRMM is suitable for mounting microphones on the rack and comes with shock mount.
Features: Rack clamp for mounting Tom and Cymbal arms Suited for Gibraltar rack systems a...
Features: Size: large L-Rod Ball Arm (12,7 mm Diameter)
Features: 3/4" pipe diameter Ratched Styles pipe about 25cm, long
Features: Rack clamp suited for all round Gibraltar rack poles To mount Tom and Cymbal ar...
Rack clamp to connect two pipes at right angleGIBRALTAR Right...
Features: Road Series Chrome plated For Gibraltar Drumracks with round tubes For tom- and...