Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
Traditional Series Cymbals are well suited for any kind of music. With their musical, dark and responsive sound characteristi...
Radiant Series cymbals are heavier than the Traditional Series. They?re fully lathed and produce a penetrating and loud sound...
The Origin Series Cymbals have a smaller cup with a smooth profile. Medium weighted Origin cymbals designed for general use an...
The X-Metal cymbals were - as the name implies - developed for loud and hard music styles. They are bursting with power and de...
The Funky Serie is one of the most flexible series within the Istanbul cymbal range. The unlathed bell produces a kind of met...
Excellent vintage sound reminiscent of the legendary 50’s Turkish jazz ride. Sound: dark, woody stick definition, warm, semi-...
The Kiko Freitas Ride has an unlathed top and a fully lathed bottom. Very crashable sound. Sound: raw bell- dark, washy crash ...
This cymbal is dedicated to Mehmet Tamgeder?s esteemed Master, Mikael Zilcan, who taught Mehmet the true art of cymbal-making...
MC JAZZ series is designed to capture the sounds of unlathed Turk cymbals with a light weight jazz ride. This combination giv...
Eponym for the "El Negro" Cymbal Series is the fabulous Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez, a superstar of the international latin/...
The Erik Smith Swish Ride has a bigger bell size for ride sound and a bit heavier weight than a regular swish or china. It ha...