classic, original Fuzz The MXR Distortion+ provides Retro-Sounds at its best, from soft drive over classic distortion up to f...
Vintage Phaser EffektThe MXR Phase 90 provides the most favou...
MXR M109S Six Band EQ
Features: Legendary sound of the Uni-Vibe of the late 60ies controls for speed level and depth switch for vibe-mode true bypas...
MXR M108S Ten Band EQ
Das M-288 Bass Octave Deluxe ist ein klassischer analoger Octaver f?r Bassgitarren mit einigen n?tzlichen Features. Neben der ...
The MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay features a completely analog audio path for the ultimate in rich, warm delay—made possible on...
Delivers classic, analog, envelope filter sounds in an easy-to-use and compact pedal designed especially for bass. Features: ...
Ungeachtet seiner kompakten Gr??e bildet der M238 Iso-Brick Power Supply von MXR den Motor des Pedalboards. Zur Vermeidung sog...
MXR EVH 5150 Overdrive
The MXR M292 Carbon Copy Deluxe Analog Delay is the consequent development of the popular MXR Carbon Copy and offers guitari...
Ein wahrer Effektklassiker der in unz?hligen Songs seit den 70er Jahren zum Einsatz kam. Das Team bei MXR hat lange am Finetun...
Features: Chorus / Flanger Pedal f?r Bass analoge Schaltung True Bypass Regler f?r: Bass, Treble, Intensity, Rate und Width Sc...