Clever and Steadfast The Stick Flip Bag from Sabian reaches back to a simple and ingenious concept. This stylish bag can be f...
Features: hand-controlled-hammered Transparent, extremely fast and very bright, with tight sound ensuring strong penetrating p...
Mit den Becken der B8X Serie stellt Sabian die Nachfolger der popul?ren B8 Serie vor, die als echter Dauerbrenner bereits seit...
Sound: High-definition sticking with the right degree of warm, funky tone. Unlathed bell cuts with maximum clarity.
Omnipr?sent Mit den AAX Omni Becken wurde bereits 2010 der Grundstein f?r die klanglich bis dahin kontrastreichesten und viel...
Big and Ugly! “Big and Ugly” is the motto under which the Canadian manufacturer Sabian is launching a line of unique, altere...
Warm, dark and very low end sound, sticksound is halfdry/crisp, the huge and non-trimmed bell sounds penetrating and gives the...
Warm, imaginative, and emotional. Hand Hammered speaks with a musical darkness steeped in nearly 400 years of cymbal making hi...
Sound: Heavily hammered but unlathed, for dark, dry and very penetrating sticking and a bright, metallic bell.
Sound: Smooth, warm and woody stick response with nice bell definition. A very musical ride.
HHX puts out rich, simmering tones that burn through the coolest music. Super-sized hammering and an exclusive Tone Projection...
When Neil Peart plays, he plays Paragon, a personalized range of cymbals created for the legendary Rush drummer by SABIAN. The...