The renowned percussion company Schlagwerk, which has been in existence for over 30 years, has dealt with the innovative top...
The ultimate Cajon for smaller musicians. Its highlight: the Hip-Box is not just for playing while seated. If set on its back ...
With the CMH10, Schlagwerk finally offers simple and uncomplicated possibility to mount a microphone to a Cajon. The stabile a...
The sister of 60 P 82 provides brilliantly clear, open and inspiring soundboptions due to the C-Pentatonic. You can enjoy the...
The most successfull Schlagwerk Log Drum. It inspires with its F-Pentatonic and encourages harmonising and relaxed improvisati...
The Schlagwerk CHH12 Cajon HiHat 12" is a cymbal pair that was developed especially for Cajon players. It consists of high-qual...
The new RTF 60 is an interesting and low-priced alternative to the large Table Drum. It is especially well-suited for use in t...
Schlagwerk TRS 210 Table Tubes
The sound concept of our 6-tone drum is based on an F-Pentatonic scale. The Padouk playing surface ensures a soft and full sou...
Cult-Guarantee: This black beauty has it all - the lovely Macassar surface produces a surprisingly strong bass, and its specia...
The perfect combination of Gabon resonance box and Zebrano playing surface makes the balanced proportion between warm bass ton...
Affectionately referred to as "el negro" in the Flamenco scene, the most successful Schlagwerk Cajon has not lost any of its a...
For more than 20 years Schlagwerk Percussion has been concentrating intensively on the further development of the Cajon. Origi...