Neue Vintage Serie - Made in Germany Das Original "Teardrop" Schlagzeug von Sonor begeisterte durch den einmaligen Sound bere...
Sonor ST22 MP SQ2 Pre-Configured Series Shell Set White Marine Pearl
Sonor ST22 DS SQ2 Pre-Configured Series Shell Set Dark Satin
Sonor ST22 AM SQ2 Pre-Configured Series Shell Set American Walnut
Sonor ST20 MP SQ2 Pre-Configured Series Shell Set White Marine Pearl
Sonor ST20 DS SQ2 Pre-Configured Series Shell Set Dark Satin
Sonor ST20 AM SQ2 Pre-Configured Series Shell Set American Walnut
The Martini shell set offered by Sonor is a cocktail set of a different species. Based on the Safari and Bop kits, the Martini...
Das Set f?r den Player Das Players DrumSet ist das klar ernannte Arbeitstier der gesamten Sonor Special Edition Serie, die in...