The mallets of the Vic Firth Soundpower Series are true to their name as they produce a dark and deep sound, through their com...
While the pedals are constantly being equipped with sophisticated and innovative systems, beaters tend to change very little. ...
This model is a crossbreed of the "Rock Rake" and the original "Rute". This Rod will find its ideal home with light Jazz. V...
Features: Length: 17" Maple handle Very soft Synthetic core Multi-tonal Produces a heavy, dark sound Perfect for use in the ba...
Features: Finish: purple The sturdy Sticks out of selected Hickory providing a variety of sounds through there different form...
Features: Finish: red The sturdy Sticks out of selected Hickory providing a variety of sounds through there different form an...
Features: Timbales Sticks (no Tips) Finish: nature price for two pieces (pair)
Years of development and testing - the Corpsmaster line. Developed in collaboration with the world`s finest drum corps. VIC F...