Fully revised and expanded, this new edition of the best-selling Oasis Complete Chord Songbook has been updated to include all...
Dire Straits: Money For Nothing TAB
Songlist:A FuocoAncoraCome Un FioreDietro CasaDnaDolce DrogaLeoNuvole BiancheNuvole NereOraQuesta VoltaResta Con MeUna Mattina
Wise Publications The Big Black Piano Songbook
Wise Publications Really Easy Ukulele: Summer Songs
Wise Publications Really Easy Ukulele: Chart Hits Vol. 1 (Spring/Summer 2017)
Wise Publications Really Easy Piano: Summer Songs
Wise Publications Really Easy Piano: Classic Rock
Wise Publications Really Easy Piano: Bob Dylan
Wise Publications Really Easy Keyboard: Summer Songs
Wise Publications Paul Simon: Stranger To Stranger
This book focuses on learning how to read (and play) rhythmic notation, an often overlooked part of learning how to read music ...
This comprehensive guide has been specially created for any guitarist who wants to learn note reading, be they beginners or mor...
Wise Publications Ed Sheeran: + And X Double Album
Wise Publications Chuck Berry: 1926-2017