aluminium and stainless steel make this pedal one of the best in its class! (Mono) with Tuner out.
VOX V860 Volume Pedal
Das Mission EP1-KP-GN Expressionpedal wurde speziell f?r die Verwendung mit dem KEMPER PR...
Mission Engineering SP1-L6H For Line 6 Helix
The Next Step series' Pan Pedal by Electro Harmonix enables fluent panning between both outputs for amazing stereo panorama ef...
The EHX Expression Pedal is part of EHX's innovative Next Step Effects series. It does not use a potentiometer, optics or mag...
The Electro Harmonix EHX Volume Pedal is a volume pedal that can be used with both electric guitar and electric bass as well...
This gold standard of volume controllers is great for pedal steel swells and instant dynamics. Quiet operation and heavy-duty ...
Dunlop DVP4 Mini Volume X Pedal
Features: Kombination aus Volumen- und Expressionspedal 50 KOhm Poti f?r Einschleifweg f?r Gitarre, Bass, Keyboard und andere ...