The HDSPe AES is a short-length PCI Express card with AES/EBU interfaces. It provides eight AES inputs (16 channels) and eight AES outputs (16 channels) at 192 kHz sample rate. The card is also equipped with two MIDI I/O ports, word clock I/O, and can be used with the optional TCO module for synchronization to LTC and video.
Feature: PCI Express interface 16 input channels / 16 output channels 8 x AES/EBU I/O 2 x MIDI I/O Word Clock I/O Support for 192 kHz at full channel count Native support for Double and Quad Wire transfer Direct conversion between these formats SteadyClock for highest jitter suppression and clock regeneration Intuitive and clearly laid-out user interface TotalMix: 512 channel mixer with 42 bit internal resolution 48 level meter Peak/RMS, hardware-computed