Repro is a virtual replica of two well-known synthesizers, which convince more than just with their analog sound. U-hes emul...
Die Soundlibrary des EZkeys Pipe Organ macht den m?chtigen Klangk?rper einer Kirchenorgel...
The Jazz EZX presents a collection of sounds targeted especially for songwriters and producers looking for drums suited for jaz...
Toontrack EZkeys Bundle (CODE) 3 EZkeys
Steinberg HALion Sonic 3 имеет огромное обновление с 25-гигабайтной библиотекой, включающей шесть впечатляющих новых инструмент...
If you are looking for an extremely analog sounding software synthesizer, u-hes red Schonling DIVA is a must. Even if this s...
D16 Group D16 LuSH-101 License Code
Interval by Cinematique Instrumnets isn’t quite like anything else you've played. It is an instrument which „has real life and ...