Designed for professional and high-resolution recording of instruments on iPhones, Macs and PCs, Apogee offers an extrem...
Steinberg's UR-RT2 is a premium USB 2.0 audio and MIDI interface with four inputs, two outputs, MIDI input and output and 1swit...
MOTU Monitor 8
MOTU MicroBook llc
Everything you need to make world-class recordings The MicroBook IIc provides simultaneous inputs for a microphone, a guitar, a...
MOTU MicroBook Demogerat USB Audio Interface
MOTU Micro Lite
MOTU M64 - аудиоинтерфейс USB 2.0 с портом AVB Ethernet. Благодаря 256 входам и выходам MADI, M64 объединяет в одном компактно...