Bass players looking to expand their tone palette won’t want to miss Roland’s new GK-3B pickup, designed for driving synth-bas...
If you took the pickups from the world's best-selling bass and over-wound 'em for more punch, midrange, bass and output, then ...
Der EMG HB wurde urspr?nglich f?r Steinberger Sound entworfen und beinhaltet einen P-Styl...
Sweeping harmonic overtones and clarity, the EMG-J has a full bodied sound that adds new dimensions to your bass playing. The ...
Aktive Tonabnehmer im J-Singlecoil Format f?r E-B?sse.Die akt...
The EMG J5 Set is an active single coil pickup set for 5-string basses that has become a modern classic with its distinctive...
The EMG JV52-HZ set was developed by EMG founder Rob Turner and convinces with a first-class vintage-style sound. By choosin...
The EMG JVX Set contains two active single coil pickups for the middle and bridge position of electric basses. By combining ...
EMG MM 5 TW schwarz
Aktiver Austausch-Tonabnehmer f?r MM-Humbucker mit Coil-Split Funktion. Der EMG MMTW Tonabnehmer wurde speziell f?r die Verwe...
Features: Aktiver Tonabnehmer f?r Viersaiter-B?sse P- Bass Halstonabnehmer Keramik- Magneten und Stahlkern integrierter Vorver...
Features: Aktiver Tonabnehmer f?r Sechssaiter-B?sse P- Bass Halstonabnehmer Saitenfeld: bis 76,2 mm Keramik- Magneten und Stah...
Features: Aktives Tonabnehmer- Set f?r Viersaiter-B?sse J- Bass Stegtonabnehmer P- Bass Halstonabnehmer Keramik- Magneten und ...