Fatten up your tone with a couple extra octaves of absolutely obese bottom end. The UO300 adds extra depth and rich fundamenta...
The Legend from DigiTech - the 5th generation of the Whammy WH-1. Next to the classic Whammy Sounds, it is also possible to pit...
Unique echo effect for maximum musical development! Through the new MDP (Multi-Dimensional Processing) technology, the TE-2 Ter...
Features: for Deluxe Electric Mistress, Deluxe Memory Man, Stereo Memory Man, Micro Synth, Bass Micro Synth, Q-tron, Q-tr...
Vielseitiges Reverb-Pedal mit zus?tzlichen Oktav-Generatoren des amerikanischen Effekther...
The New Delay Revolution The revolutionary Flashback Triple Delay opens a new Echo Dimension. The effect device is a capable ...
Das Pedal Power Mondo ist ein analoges Netzger?t welches speziell f?r gro?e Pedalboards entwickelt wurde. Das Ger?t verf?gt ?b...
The Earthquaker Devices Rainbow Machine V2 is a Polyphonic pitch shifting modulation effect pedal with extensive options.