The Boss TR-2 Tremolo is designed to provide guitarists with classic tremolo effects in an easy-to-use compact pedal. Dedicat...
Classic Vibrato Effects Pedal. The UV300 effects pedal takes you on a psychedelic music voyage with classic and mind-bending v...
The Vibrophase is a Vibrato/Phaser effect pedal for electric guitar which features an unusually high level of adjustment options.
Beim Sonar Vexter handelt es sich um ein Tremolo/Pulser, das vor allem mit HighGain- Verst?rkern sehr gut zusammen arbeitet. E...
Boss VB-2w Vibrato Waza Craft Special Edition
Analoges Stereo Tremolo mit einer Flut an Regelm?glichkeiten. Features: Analog Tremolo Stereo in/out, Mono in/Stereo out, St...
TC Electronic Pipeline Tap Tremolo – педаль эффектов с редактором TonePrint, имеющая режимы Vintage и Square и управление Speed...