The Novation 61SL MkIII (Black) is a USB Controller Keyboard with advanced features, a Sequencer and a CV/Gate Interface.
Impulse ist eine Serie professioneller USB-/MIDI-Controllers. Neben einer sehr pr?zisen Tastatur bieten die einzelnen Modelle...
чехол для 25 SLMK II, Zero SL MK II, Nocturn 25, Impulse 25
чехол для 49 SLMK II, Nocturn 49 and Impulse 49
чехол для 61 SL MK II и Impulse 61
The ZeRO SL Mk II is a full DAW and plug-in control surface (for live and studio use) that visually feeds back all control inf...
The SL Mk II combines a high quality semi-weighted keyboard with a full DAW and plug-in control surface, that visually feeds b...
блок питания 9 V DC для серий ReMote, X-Station и Zero SL
блок питания 9 V DC
Features: suitable with X-Station, A-Station, K-Station ReMOTE Serie B-ST KB/Rack
The Novation Peak Rack Kit is the right angle stand for the Novation Peak Synthesizer. It is made of die-cast aluminium, whi...
Novation Peak - восьмиголосный полифонический настольный синтезатор с тремя генераторами New Oxford для каждого голоса. Peak им...