Das Bach Mundst?ck besitzt einen brillanten Klang. Der mitteltiefe Kessel besitzt positive Spieleigenschaften und ist f?r l?ng...
The Denis Wick DW5881-4B Bb cornet mouthpiece has a medium size cup and is the most popular cornet model of the Deni...
Das versilberte Denis Wick 5B 5881 Kornett Mundstuck besticht durch einen warmen, klassischen Kornett Klang, der gerade in Bras...
The Denis Wick 3B Cornet 5881 mouthpiece has a bowl diameter of 16.75mm, the bore is 4.30mm. This mouthpiece has a V-type ba...
The ARNOLD&SONS 1 1/2 G bass trombone mouthpiece, with its large inner diameter and deep bowl, offers a full, warm sound...
The standard mouthpiece of many trombonists is the proven ARNOLD&SONS 6 1/2 AL-S. The full sound and the easy response i...
The standard mouthpiece of many trombonists is the proven ARNOLD&SONS 6 1/2 AL-L. The full sound and the easy response i...
Da die Arnolds & Sons Kornett Mundst?cke CNC-gefr?st werden, sind Fertigungstoleranzen absolut gering. Dadurch bleibt der Quali...