Корзина пуста

Мундштуки для корнетов

13732 ₽

Das Bach Mundst?ck besitzt einen brillanten Klang. Der mitteltiefe Kessel besitzt positive Spieleigenschaften und ist f?r l?ng...

12654 ₽

The Denis Wick DW5881-4B Bb cornet mouthpiece has a medium size cup and is the most popular cornet model of the Deni...

10256 ₽

Das versilberte Denis Wick 5B 5881 Kornett Mundstuck besticht durch einen warmen, klassischen Kornett Klang, der gerade in Bras...

9560 ₽

The Denis Wick 3B Cornet 5881 mouthpiece has a bowl diameter of 16.75mm, the bore is 4.30mm. This mouthpiece has a V-type ba...

4674 ₽

The ARNOLD&SONS 1 1/2 G bass trombone mouthpiece, with its large inner diameter and deep bowl, offers a full, warm sound...

4468 ₽

The standard mouthpiece of many trombonists is the proven ARNOLD&SONS 6 1/2 AL-S. The full sound and the easy response i...

4468 ₽

The standard mouthpiece of many trombonists is the proven ARNOLD&SONS 6 1/2 AL-L. The full sound and the easy response i...

2972 ₽

Da die Arnolds & Sons Kornett Mundst?cke CNC-gefr?st werden, sind Fertigungstoleranzen absolut gering. Dadurch bleibt der Quali...

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