Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
Istanbul Session Series cymbals are a harmonic combination of the Traditional and the Radiant Series cymbals. The mellow and ...
Mehmet Tamdeger can draw on many years of experience in traditional techniques of cymbal making. The variety of sounds offered...
Radiant Series cymbals are heavier than the Traditional Series. They?re fully lathed and produce a penetrating and loud sound...
The Istanbul Hamer Splash 10" (Natural) is a warm & dark B20 Bronze Splash cymbal created using traditional Turkish methods.
Eponym for the "El Negro" Cymbal Series is the fabulous Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez, a superstar of the international latin/...
Istanbul BB-FWSP11 Black Bell Splash 11" Shiny Finish