The Antares Choir Evo (Licence) is a Vocal Processor Plug-In for multiplying a raw signal to achieve the effect of a choir with a few vocal tracks. From a single vocal recording, polyphonic choirs with four, eight, sixteen or thirty-two different voices can be created, each with its own pitch, timing and vibrato characteristics. The software focuses on ease of use while still maintaining good control over the most important sound properties.
Simple Interface
The Choir Evo plug-in achieves these effects through a number of control knobs. With Choir Size you determine how many individual voices are to be generated from the raw signal. With Vibrato Variation, Pitch Variation and Timing Variation you control the degree of finest character nuances in the generated voices to make them appear more natural. The Stereo Spread controls the distribution of voices over the stereo sound field.
This makes this plug-in particularly suitable for quickly and easily converting individual voices into a group of voices, each with its own natural character. The software achieves particularly impressive results when several different harmonic vocal recordings are edited and superimposed with the Choir Evo. In this way you get the highest degree of realism of a complete choir ensemble, even if you have only a few singers at your disposal.
The main features of the Antares Choir Evo (Licence) include:
Formats :
Important Note : The Antares Choir Evo (Licence) software requires an iLok Licence Management USB Device to use, which is not included with purchase. Find out more about iLok licences here.
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