The Befaco Rampage is a Eurorack ramp generator in the classic Serge/Buchla vein. This is a dual unit with many applications.
A two-ply head (7mil each) featuring extraordinary consistency and durability, the G2 offers the perfect blend of depth, susta...
The Box of Rock is Z.Vex Effect's first "distortion" pedal, highly specialized to simulat...
An overdrive pedal for guitar with controls for volume, drive, tone, & a separate switch & control for the boost volume.
The Box of Metal (tm) is an aggressive high-gain pedal with a highly-effective built-in switchable gate which dramatically red...
Z.VEX Box of Metal
Das Zvex Basstortion ist ein Zerr Pedal welches speziell auf den Bass Spieler abgestimmt wurde. Das Voicing entstammt dem wohl...
Z.VEX '59 Sound Vexter
An overdrive/distortion pedal for guitar with controls for volume, drive, tone & a separate switch & control for the boost volume.
Z.VEX '59 Sound Handpaint
Mikrofon-Halter f?r die effektive und platzsparende Mikrofonpositionierung direkt an Gitarren- und Bass-Boxen. Bis 1994 als M...
электроакустическая гитара Jumbo цвет натуральный, дека ель массив, корпус и накладка палисандр, гриф нато, System56CB 1way (A.R.T.)