Das M-288 Bass Octave Deluxe ist ein klassischer analoger Octaver f?r Bassgitarren mit einigen n?tzlichen Features. Neben der ...
The Ampeg Liquifier Analog Chorus is based on an analog "Dual Chorus" circuit and delivers unbelievably lush sounds that are...
Behringer BEQ700 Bass EQ Pedal
Ampeg SCR DI Bag
Replica of the unique and legendary Bass-pedal with twin-tuned filters and distortion! Features: Sleek, small and funky, the ...
Das Electro Harmonix Bass Big Muff Pi wurde speziell f?r die Anwendung mit elektrischen B?ssen entwickelt und liefert vielf?lt...
Electro Harmonix Bass Preacher Compressor/Sustainer
The StompLab series of effect pedals are impressive new contenders that pack powerful sounds into compact and sophisticated l...
Clean Boost und Overdrive f?r E-B?sse.Nach dem gro?en Erfolg ...
Limiter pedal, reducing high peak levels to a distortion free sound. Features: Full control of bass guitar's dynamic range vi...