Jack Danny ST Series " Mini "A mini version of a classic. Jus...
Features: Linde- Korpus GRG Ahorn- Hals Palisander- Griffbrett Dot Inlays 24 Jumbo B?nde 2x Ibanez PSND Singlecoil (Hals & Mit...
The Les Paul for the modern rocker! With the Prophecy Les Paul Custom Plus GX, Epiphone presents a modern interpretation of the...
The Les Paul for the Modern Shredder. Equipped with 24 Jumbo frets, the rosewood fretboard of the Prophecy Les Paul Custom Plus...
The Epiphone PRO-1 Performance Pack offers you everything for a successful entry into the world of the electric guitar. Besi...
Epiphone PRO-1 Performance Pack предлагает вам все, что необходимо начинающему гитаристу для знакомства с миром электрической г...