Schlagwerk "2inOne" Cajon CP403RED, medium, Red Edition
The successful Cajon kit Pro CBA3SW by Schlagwerk is an inexpensive and great alternative for those who would like to do someth...
The Sela Varios Cajon is suited for beginners and is delivered ready-to-play! SELA Varios Cajon Features: Wood surface refine...
калимба, 9 нот
калимба, 5 нот
8 ", универсальный треугольник
The Meinl Jam Cajon JC50NTTA has a birch body which produces a very powerful low end punch when played in the middle. Th...
Jam anywhere and everywhere With the Jam Cajon Meinl is offering beginners an inexpensive yet high-quality instrument. The hi...
Ибо барабан, красный / коричневый
Ибо барабан, золотой орнамент
Ибо барабан, черный / красный
Ибо барабан, керамика, белый