The perfect combination of Gabon resonance box and Zebrano playing surface makes the balanced proportion between warm bass ton...
The third version of the Schlagwerk “Do It Yourself” Cajon kit is easier and faster than ever. The high-quality prefab...
2inOne-Snare Cajon medium - its name stands for a completely new concept in Cajon construction. The 2inOne-Snare-Technique has...
Starkes Design und Die Headliner Designer Cajons sind in drei atemberaubenden Farben zu erstehen. Auff?llig im Design machen ...
DThe Chico model is the smallest Cajon of the new series and was developed especially for children. It has a body made of MDF ...
The Agile Base Cajon CP 550 from the german manufacturer SCHLAGWERK with Natural Finish. Features the innovative Schlagwerk Agi...
Klangvolle Allrounder Die neuen Sonor Cajon Modelle mit dem Seriennamen Mosquito bieten einen qualitativen und preisg?nstigen...
The Headliner Cajons deliver the classic cajon sound at an affordable price and can be used in Flamenco or world music. MEINL...
Carving art that can be heard - Meinl Woodcraft With its solid, exceptionally resonating body, that optimally addresses the f...
Die Cube Cajon von Pearl bietet ein eigent?mliches Konzept. Statt eines rechteckigen Formats hat die Cube Cajon einen kubische...
Die Revolution im Cajonbau! Die CaSela Snare Cajon ist eine Profi-Cajon, welche schnell und einfach zusammengeschraubt wird. ...
Features: body: red oak cushioned seat integrated, adjustable Sizzle effect wide frequency range The MEINL Cajons are complete...
The Cajon building revolution! The CaSela Snare Cajon is a professional Cajon in which SELAs years of cajon building experinc...