The Little Toaster, which optically resembles TV Jones pickups, is a small-sized humbucker with a silver casing, which provide...
The Roswell LAF-N presents itself as a well rounded neck humbucker with a clear treble spectrum, powerful mids and a tight b...
Roswell's HOT-B Blade Humbucker is just the thing for fans of juicy distortion sounds. The ultra-hot wound pickup has two ce...
PAF 36th Anniversary Humbucker Features: Vintage Output 4 conductor Alnico 5 magnets for bridge position Colour: black
The Tone Zone Humbucker Features: F-Spaced Bass, Mids and Treble boosted Fat sound (full of overtones) Colour: Zebra
Bridge Humbucker Features: F-Spaced Bass, Mids and Treble boosted Fat sound (full of overtones) Colour: Red
research to come up with the right sound for a very demanding player -- Steve Vai. This pickup is designed for maximum impact ...
DiMarzio DP158F Evolution F-Spaced Neck Black
For Bridge Position The Evolution Humbucker was especially designed for Steve Vai's JEM guitars and works best for mix- cutti...
Norton Pickup Features: Humbucker Pickup F-Spaced Colour: Zebra
Features: High Output Strong at Bass and Treble Ceramic Magnet Colour: Black
Breed Neck Humbucker Features: Colour: Zebra
Bridge Humbucker Features: Colour: Zebra
If you've seen Steve Vai perform in the last few years, you may have seen him playing a Jem guitar with the word Pogo taped on...
the ultimate PAF sound. Instead of simply copying the design of 50's humbuckers by using Alnico II or aged Alnico V magnets, t...