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Koma Elektronik STROM+ Bundle
34082 ₽
Koma Elektronik Strom+ Bundle is a bundle consisting of the Coma Electronic Power+a high-quality Cincon adapter and a Flying Buscable. With this bundle every Eurorack modular synthesizer can be powered immediately.
Coma Electronic Power+The power supply module provides 1.5 A at +12V and +5V and 1.0 A at -12V and can simultaneously indicate the consumption via the LEDs. In addition, it offers protection against short circuits and has easily replaceable fuses.
Cincon AdapterThe supplied Cincon adapter supplies the coma electronic power module with 15 V and 4.65 A. Several skiffs can be supplied with it.
Flying BuscableThe supplied Flying Buscable provides seven power connections for Eurorack modules.
Koma Electronic Power Bundle at a glance: