Jazzimprovisation f?r Spezialisten. Die Fortf?hrung von "Jazz Guitar Basics" f?r die fortgeschrittenen Gitarristen mit erweit...
So macht Trommel lernen Spa?. Diese kindgerechte Form des Perkussionunterrichts bietet eine Einf?hrung in die rhythmische Not...
Die Gitarre von Anfang an - mit popul?ren Songs. Kumlehns Schule ist inzwischen ein Standardwerk f?r den modernen Gitarrenunt...
Michis Christmas carol book for guitar with 33 German and international songs for the Christmas season. The pieces, includin...
The music book Anpfiff by Ruth Geiger-Tauberschmidt and Thomas Grillenberger contains 28 light piano pieces all about footba...
Analyzing Gospel Chops by Vincent Golly, who began his career as a drummer in the successful gospel choir "Prayer & Prea...
This book The Junior Drummer's Bible contains the notes and exercises in simplified drum notation collected by John Trotter ...
SWAG Drumming II is the second volume that conveys the feeling of the in-between groove. Swag drumming as a source of inspir...
Dreamlike winter time on the piano takes the musicians and listeners away from the traditional Christmas carols in a unique ...
Improvisation for Blues Guitar is a textbook for guitarists with the aim of making Blues improvisations sound more authentic...
AMA Verlag Morscheck & Burgmann meet O&lsquo-Carolan
AMA Verlag Jazz-Alphabet
AMA Verlag High Performance Flute - The Sequel
AMA Verlag Grooves & Duos
AMA Verlag Gitarrenzauberei