Intellijel Mixup
Intellijel 1U Power Entry 01 - 2.5MM is a power supply module for modular synthesizers in Eurorack format. The connection so...
Intellijel 4U Rack Ears (Pair) are rack ears for the Intellijel 4U x 84HP Casewhich allows it to be mounted in a 19 inch rac...
Intellijel 4U Joiner Plates (Set) are connecting elements for Inteliijel 4U Cases. Up to three 4U cases of the same width ca...
Intellijel Rubicon II
Intellijel USB ISP is a modular extension to update the companyware of certain Intellijel modules. This is done by connectin...
Intellijel 7U x 84HP GIG BAG is a gig bag for transporting the Intellijel 7U Performance Case 84TE. The lined bag is made of...
Intellijel 4U x 104HP GIG BAG is a Gig Bag for transporting the Intellijel 4U x 104HP Performance Case. The lined bag is mad...