Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
Traditional Series Cymbals are well suited for any kind of music. With their musical, dark and responsive sound characteristi...
Mehmet Tamdeger can draw on many years of experience in traditional techniques of cymbal making. The variety of sounds offered...
Das Gibraltar Cajon Pedal G3GCDP ist ein professionelles Cajon Pedal, welches mittels Kette und Kabelzug betrieben wird. Das G3...
The Istanbul Tony Williams Tribute Hi-Hats 14" is a set of Turkish-made Tony Williams hi-hats crafted from B20 ...
Istanbul Session Series cymbals are a harmonic combination of the Traditional and the Radiant Series cymbals. The mellow and ...
Lathed edge with a special finish on bow and bell. The sound is full, loud and cutting with less overtones - perfect for mode...
Realistic Rock Series Cymbals produce clean and defined rock sounds. Made in cooperation with Carmine Appice!
The Funky Serie is one of the most flexible series within the Istanbul cymbal range. The unlathed bell produces a kind of met...