Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
The Istanbul Hamer China 18" (Natural) is a warm & dark B20 Bronze China cymbal created using traditional Turkish methods.
The Istanbul Hamer Classic Crash 16" (Natural) is a handmade cymbal from Turkey, made of B20 bronze. The characteristic feature...
The Radiant Murathan Rock Ride in 22" is perfect for heavy hitters and metal drummers who need a brute, cutting sound due to...
The Radiant Murathan Rock Ride in 21" is perfect for heavy hitters and metal drummers who need a brute, cutting sound due to...
Istanbul 61st Anniversary Classic Ride, 22", MT-AN-CL22
Istanbul Radiant Sweet Thin Crash 15", R-CSW15
Das Gibraltar Cajon Pedal G3GCDP ist ein professionelles Cajon Pedal, welches mittels Kette und Kabelzug betrieben wird. Das G3...
The Istanbul Tony Williams Tribute Ride 22" is a Turkish-made Tony Williams cymbal crafted from B20 bronze allo...
The Istanbul Tony Williams Tribute Crash 18" is a Turkish-made Tony Williams cymbal crafted from B20 bronze all...
Istanbul Traditional Flat Ride 19" RF19
The Istanbul Tony Williams Tribute Hi-Hats 14" is a set of Turkish-made Tony Williams hi-hats crafted from B20 ...
Istanbul SW22 Traditional Swish Ride 22"
Istanbul SW20 Traditional Swish Ride 20"
Istanbul Mehmet Legend Sizzle Ride 22"