Kluson MLV6LN Vintage Lockheads 6L Nickel
Nickel Lockhead locking machine heads by Kluson. Features: Locking tuners 3 left, 3 right, 90° Kidney-buttons Ratio 1:18 10m...
3+3 f?r alte Les Pauls etc. In den 50s hatten KLUSONs eine mittige KLUSON DELUXE Pr?gung, wobei das "O" genau in dem "Schmiern...
Chrome Round-Back tuners with ebony buttons by Kluson. Features: Round-Back tuners 3 left, 3 right, 45° Ebony buttons Ratio ...
Nickel Grand Jazz tuners by Kluson. Features: Grand Jazz tuners 3 left, 3 right, 90° 3-Step metal buttons Ratio 1:18 10mm dr...
Chrome Round-Back tuners with ebony buttons by Kluson. Features: Round-Back tuners 6 left, 45° Ebony buttons Ratio 1:18 10mm...
Chrome Art Diego Round-Back tuners by Kluson. Features: Round-Back tuners 3+3, 90° Kidney-shape step-buttons Ratio 1:18 10mm...
Golden Grand Jazz tuners by Kluson. Features: Grand Jazz tuners 3 left, 3 right, 90° 3-Step metal buttons Ratio 1:18 10mm dr...
Kluson Vintage J-Bass SingleCoil Neck
Schwarze Unterlegscheiben zum Erh?hen der Mechanik von Kluson. Features: Stagger Set bestehend aus 9 Unterlegpl?ttchen Versc...
Sechs Adapterh?lsen mit 6,3mm Innendurchmesser von Kluson. Features: Mechanik-Einschlagh?lsen 8,7mm Durchmesser (au?en) 6,3m...
Multi Locks by Kluson provide stability and a wonderful vintage appearance.. Features: Kluson Multi Lock 1 pair 12/17mm diam...