Korg XVP-20 Expression Pedal
The Korg CA-50 Tuner is a pocket-sized tuning solution for orchestra instruments. The new display has a larger note name dis...
RAM Expansion for Korg M3, Pa2xPro and Pa3x
Einfacher und kompakter 3-stimmiger Analogsynthesizer mit leistungsstarker analoger Klangerzeugung f?r fette Synthesizer-Sound...
The Rhythm Machine Korg Volca Beats, together with the other two members of the Volca Series were a real highlight at this yea...
Mit 3 analogen Oszillatoren und resonanzf?higem Tiefpass-Filter f?r schwebende Bass-Lines oder aggressive Acid Sounds setzt Vo...
The KORG PA700 MUSIKANT extension contains software that perfectly supports the entertainer in the German-speaking entertain...