The Raven-Series by Ortega finally introduces Banjos crafted under well-known high Ortega standards! The skilled luthiers dec...
The OUBJ100-SBK is the only Raven-Series Ukulele Banjo made by Ortega and combines the true Banjo sound with the playability o...
Since 1994, Ortega has been developing and producing classical guitars that mirror the ex...
Features:1/4-sized Classical Guitar Top: Laminated Cedar Back...
Features:1/4-Size Classical Guitar Top: Laminated Spruce Back...
The Ortega RUMG-CE 4-String Electro-Acoustic Concert Ukulele with Cutaway Open Pore Natural is a plywood design conc...
incl. Ortega Gig bag Concert Ukulele with a Sapele body and Ortega UK-3 Pickup-System. Features: Sapele- body Mahogany- neck...
Ortega RST5M Natural Satin
Ortega RST5 Natural Highgloss