With its unique construction the Roswell CHL Charlie Christian Pickup achieves a warm, profound character and opens up espec...
The Roswell SHR-N H-Rails is a compact humbucker specially wound in single coil format. As a replacement for common ST-style...
The Roswell TE6-B Alnico V Rod Single Coil for T-style electric guitars produces with its large Alnico Pole Pieces the addit...
Roswell's HBBC-N4 Humbucker delivers a powerful ceramic character and is ideal for styles that require an extra dose of stea...
Roswell's HOT-B Blade Humbucker is just the thing for fans of juicy distortion sounds. The ultra-hot wound pickup has two ce...
The Roswell TEH H-Rails T-Style provides the hottest bridge sounds. Key to success are two closely wound humbucker coils in ...
The Roswell SHR-B H-Rails is a compact humbucker specially wound in single coil format. As a replacement for common ST-style...