The Tac Tic is the result of a collaboration between Majid Karami and "Tres Lados" Cajon builders Stefan Emmerich, it is a...
The Sela Varios Cajon is suited for beginners and is delivered ready-to-play! ...
The Sela Varios Cajon is suited for beginners and is delivered ready-to-play! SELA Varios Cajon Features: Wood surface refine...
Sela SE 090 Cajon Rucksack
Cajon Brushes bieten eine gute M?glichkeit, zus?tzliche Sounds aus seinem Cajon zu kitzeln. Die Firma Sela hat in Zusammenarbe...
Cajon Brushes offer a great possibility to coax even more sounds out of your Cajon. Sela ...
Sela SE 065 Cajon Brush 110
The SELA Cajon Pad is the optimal Cajon seat for anyone who wants a little more comfort when sitting on their instrument. The ...
The CaSela Snare Cajon is a professional Cajon in which SELAs years of cajon building experince and modern production met...
The Sela Primera Cajon SE 118 is the perfect Cajon for beginners and advanced users who value high quality at a low price.
The Sela Primera Cajon SE 117 is the perfect Cajon for beginners and advanced users who value high quality at a low price. At a...