малошумящий микшерный пульт премиум-класса, 6 моновходов с компрессорами, 4 стереовхода, 3 AUX-шины, 2 подгруппы, процессор эффектов, эквалайзер в ...
Presonus offers the optimal solution for StudioLive 16, 24 and 32 consoles of the third series with this Rack Ear Mounting K...
The SPLITMix4 is a fully passive hybrid mixer that offers a wide variety of configurations. Mix 4 stereo input channels down t...
The Analog Backbone for Discerning Mastering Engineers For years the top mastering engineers and the hottest mastering facilit...
More than just a straight summing mixer, this new offering provides sound shaping possibilities too, with a simple yet powerfu...
Einer der wohl beliebtesten Summierer in neuem Gewand. Der neue 2-BUS+ ist ein analoger 16-Kanal Summierer in 2HE, mit sowoh...
outboard mixer in a 19"/2U format. Any DAW or digital console can be expanded with active analog stereo summing and insert fun...
16 Channel Summing Mixer The sound of Neve has been the audio recording benchmark for generations of leading engineers, musici...