Sultan Series cymbals combine the brilliance of the Traditional Series with the dry and woody sound of the Turk Series. The un...
With the PST8 cymbals, Paiste offers a high-quality cymbal with the legendary 2002-Bronze alloy - for the usual low "Paiste S...
The ideal addition to any percussion setup. The Candela Percussion Series from Meinl offers high-quality, B20 Bronze, extra-t...
The trashy sound and the very short sustain give this cymbal a sound that lives up to the name. These cymbals sound best at mod...
The MEINL MB20-Series is a combination of premium B20 Bronze, true craftsmanship and high quality material. The Series stands ...
The Zildjian A Custom cymbals were developed with the assistance of drumming icon Vinnie Colaiuta. They utilize radical rotary...
ZILDJIAN 9" Oriental Trash Splash Features: Size: 9" Alloy: B20-bronze-alloy (20% tin, 80% copper and a small fraction of silv...
UFIP Class Series cymbals are the result of many years making quality cymbals and supply a dynamic and complete sound range. T...
Features: size: 10" Weight: heavy alloy: B8 (92% copper and 8% tin) Volume: medium to loud Stick Sound: fairly washy Intensity...
At the time, the 2002 Series from Paiste was the first series from the traditional Swiss manufacturer with a specially develop...
The cymbals of the Reflex series are leaving the era of brass produces cymbals in the past. The cymbals unite great sound char...
Features: Size: 8" Alloy: B20-bronze-alloy (20% tin, 80% copper and a small fraction of silver) hand-hammered Finish: brillian...
Features: hand-controlled-hammered Transparent, extremely fast and very bright, with tight sound ensuring strong penetrating p...