Der HumiReader ist ein digitaler Hygrometer, der Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit misst und auf einem Display anzeigt. Genau, z...
Features: MusicNomad The Guitar One (120ml) MusicNomad Polish (120ml) MusicNomad F-One Fretboard Oil (60ml) Microfiber Towel M...
Stellt den richtigen ?lgehalt des Holzes wieder her, sch?tzt das Griffbrett und l?sst das Griffbrett wie neu aussehen Inhalt:...
extending their playing life. Delivers a silky smooth conditioning to string surfaces, eliminating finger squeaks. 2 oz. appli...
Fender Custom Shop Guitar Quick Clean Instrument Cleaner Features: For all finishes Chrome and plastic parts Content: 2 Oz (5...
Fender Custom Shop Polituren und Wachse sind hochwertige Carnauba-Rezepturen ohne Silikone, Harze, Polymere, Bindemittel oder ...
Guitar Cleaner Features: For all instruments and finishes Content: 2 Oz (59ml)
Guitar Polish Features: For all instruments and finishes Content: 2 Oz (59ml)
Ultimate Lemon Oil will remove grime and return your fretboard to its original luster quickly and easily. And once the dirt is...
Cleans thoroughly and fast. Brings back that original shine and protects the surface. Suited for daily use.
50ml (138 EUR / Liter)
Features: Cleaning polish for a deep and long lasting shine Without wax and therefore no cloudy build up Cleans and protects m...