Kleiner Verst?rker - gro?er Sound Vielseitige Amp-Sounds, einfache und effiziente Kontrolle, hochkar?tige Effekte. Der CUBE-...
Die neu definierte BLUES-CUBE Serie bringt den klassischen 1x12" Combo-Verst?rker in eine neue ?ra. Die Kombination aus einzi...
In contrast to many rather British-sounding speakers by Celestion, The A-Type provides more high frequency content and a reduc...
The Hughes & Kettner RM-40 Rack Mount Set allows rack mounting of Hughes & Kettner TubeMeister 36, GrandMeister 36, ...
The OR15H owes more than a nod to this vintage legend- from the method of its construction, the blues and rock tone, even the...
The Marshall DSL Series consists of a range of guitar heads and combos with Clean/Gain channels & switchable output levels.