Kleiner Verst?rker - gro?er Sound Vielseitige Amp-Sounds, einfache und effiziente Kontrolle, hochkar?tige Effekte. Der CUBE-...
The Fame GX-60 Combo Amplifier is a 60W 2-channel amp for guitarists, with a 12” speaker, 2-band EQ and on-board Reverb effect.
Features: 65 Watts Solid State RMS 1x12" Celestion Speaker 2 channels (Clean, Distortion) 3-Band EQ each channel XTS (Extreme ...
Features: Power-Projection 1x12" Cab 60 Watts 16 Ohm 1x Celestion Vintage 30 Speaker 55x45x30 cm
DV Mark DV Little GH 250 Greg Howe Signature - гитарный усилитель типа «голова», разработанный для огромных порций гейна в разл...