студийный конденсаторный микрофон и широкой мембраной
A new dimension of low-pitched tones. The Marine Band "Thunderbird" combines recent developments of Hohner with a innovative ...
The dbx RTA-M is an omnidirectional microphone with a very linear frequency spectrum and less than +-1,5dB whilst measuring a r...
электроакустическая гитара Natural. Верхняя дека-массив ситхинской ели, нижняя дека-красное дерево, обечайка-красное дерево, гриф-красное дерево, ...
Hybrid of 2 woodsAbsolute Yamaha flagship series "PHX" was se...
Expression and dynamics makes up the foundation of the new Absolute Maple Hybrid Drums from Yamaha. This was made possible by ...