An unexpected opportunity in the Nashville, Tennessee factory led Gibson to the inception of the 2015 Sprint Run models. These...
Gibson Les Paul Deluxe The Les Paul Deluxe first saw the light of day in 1968 and today is the face of 70s Classic Rock, a grea...
Even a traditional manufacturer such as Gibson is willing to try something new- to give established models brand new features ...
GIBSON DEALS Due to a huge shipment we received recently, we are able to offer original Gibson USA Guitars at unbelievabl...
GIBSON DEAL OF THE YEAR! Due to a huge shipment we received recently, we are able to offer original Gibson USA Guitars at unbel...
Traditional Les Paul with warm Punch. The 1959 Tribute Humbuckers give the Gibson Les Paul Traditional SR a transparent and lig...
An unexpected opportunity in the Nashville, Tennessee factory led Gibson to the inception...
Gibson Les Paul Standard The Les Paul Standard is the flagship of Gibson's electric guitar collection and represents the perfec...